TORONTO, Canada, October 1 /PRNewswire/ --

- After the Past 2 Days it's all About Return on Information

- Xenos ES Enables Organisations to Reduce Reuse Recycle Structured and Unstructured Electronic Data and Documents

Xenos Group Inc. (TSX: XNS) today announced the launch of the Xenos Enterprise Server(TM), the product of a 25-year quest for an intelligent framework for electronic information infrastructure and management in the complex modern enterprise.

Xenos Enterprise Server(TM) (Xenos ES(TM)) resolves the challenge of rationalising business information architecture and flow by Streamlining Enterprise Information Supply Chains(TM) and eliminating redundancies arising from the storage of the same information in a variety of formats. It is a server-based infrastructure solution that delivers organisational control over all requisite resources for data and document transformation from a centralised location in the enterprise. Xenos ES provides a robust, flexible solution for consolidating disparate and/or legacy technologies, systems and data located across the enterprise and readily integrates with the existing components of an organisation's information supply chains. Xenos Enterprise Server(TM) delivers a superior Return on Information(TM) by making information available where, when and how it is needed. This improves operational efficiency, enhances business processes, reduces risk for compliance management and increases employee productivity both for the enterprise and for its customers.

"There are three specific reasons why Xenos Enterprise Server is the software product right for our times," said Stuart Butts, Chairman and CEO, Xenos Group Inc. "First, enterprises can use Xenos ES to address the IT challenges typically associated with divestitures and mergers & acquisitions. Second, it addresses the strategic challenge of managing the explosive growth in, and convergence of, structured and unstructured data and documents. Third, initially conceived as the route to the paperless office, Xenos ES allows enterprises to achieve efficient and effective communications while reducing their carbon footprint."

Business information is commonly held or received in a variety of incompatible formats. This often hampers strategic activities including mergers, acquisitions, reorganisations or the creation of new information supply chains driven by new business initiatives. Xenos ES provides a scalable architectural framework that enables organisations to achieve their strategic objectives by supporting enterprise information extraction, transformation, repurposing, personalisation and delivery for both structured and unstructured data and documents. Xenos ES unlocks strategic information assets held in incompatible formats and repurposes them to required formats as and when needed to address changing business needs. In addition, Xenos ES facilitates the migration of disparate legacy document and image archives into fewer or a single archive, which can dramatically reduce the costs associated with unnecessary licenses, maintenance, training and support.

"C-level executives are now recognising the business drivers for managing information as a strategic asset to improve operational efficiency, promote transparency and enable business insight. Without an Enterprise Information Architecture (EIA), information will continue to add cost (increased demands for storage), complexity (silos), and risk (compliance etc). Proper alignment into a unified information infrastructure can resolve many of the challenges," said Debra Logan, VP Distinguished Analyst at Gartner.

Xenos ES is the only solution to provide a highly scalable, component-based J2EE architecture that supports the extraction, transformation and repurposing of both structured and unstructured data as an enterprise service in SOA environments. Xenos ES enables organisations to access and leverage the business-critical content they require for their lines-of-business Content-Enabled Vertical Applications (CEVAs) including: customer and partner-developed or third-party applications that require ePresentment for electronic statement, report and image archive storage and retrieval; secure online distribution of banking, brokerage, credit card, insurance, telco, government, retail and manufacturing statements or operational reports; 1:1 customer correspondence for personalised communications; straight-through-processing for insurance policy underwriting and claims handling; credit card and mortgage loan processing; online presentment of tax forms for government portals; secure delivery of healthcare documents; B2B data interchange among trading partners, and more.

As an enterprise-class solution, Xenos ES is built on a fault-tolerant, server-based J2EE architecture that also provides job scheduling, load balancing, clustering, monitoring, failover, notification and error-handling, to ensure reliability. Xenos ES is designed to process millions of transactions, each with sub-second performance.

"An electronic information system is not inherently green. Its relative "greenness" depends on how it is designed and used and what it replaces," said Mr. Butts. "We believe that the Xenos Enterprise Server will empower our customers to apply the green mantra "Reduce Reuse Recycle" to information resources and that the benefits will be enormous from both an environmental and business perspective."

Xenos Enterprise Server is immediately available from Xenos. Pricing starts at US$70,000, (pnds stlg)35,000, or (euro) 50,000.

About Xenos Group Inc.

Xenos (TSX:XNS) is the market-leading provider of high-performance software solutions that deliver a superior Return on Information(TM) by Streamlining Enterprise Information Supply Chains(TM). The company's solutions, based on the scalable Xenos Enterprise Server(TM) and its components, process, extract, transform, repurpose and personalise high volumes of data and documents for storage, real-time access, ePresentment, printing and delivery in numerous formats across multiple channels. By readily repurposing, integrating with and extending the business value of existing technology, infrastructure and business applications, Xenos solutions empower organisations to adapt to changing market demands. They also improve operational efficiency, enhance business processes, reduce risk for compliance management and increase employee productivity with lowered total cost of ownership both for the enterprise and for its customers. Xenos supports Green IT initiatives by empowering organisations to "Reduce Reuse Recycle" information resources.

Xenos customers are among the largest organisations worldwide, spanning numerous industries including financial services and insurance. Xenos has offices in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom and France and a global partner network. For more information, visit

(C)2008 All rights reserved. Xenos, the Xenos logo, Xenos Enterprise Server, Xenos ES, Streamlining Enterprise Information Supply Chains, and Return on Information are either registered Trademarks or Trademarks of Xenos Group Inc. All other trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners.

For further information: Media Contacts: Joanna Cannon or Graham Thatcher, MCC International, +44(0)1962-888100,; Investor Relations Contact: Cory Pala, Xenos Group Inc., 1-416-657-2400,

For further information: Media Contacts: Joanna Cannon or Graham Thatcher, MCC International, +44(0)1962-888100,; Investor Relations Contact: Cory Pala, Xenos Group Inc., 1-416-657-2400,