First Nation Shell Middens And True Oysters
Up-to-date With The Big Bang, Mass, And Protons
The Analogy: A Powerful Instrument For Physics...
What Will It Take For Real Farming In Space?
Has Quark-Gluon Plasma Been Observed Yet?
I will start this brief post with a disclaimer - I am not a nuclear physicist (rather, I am a lesser being, a sub-nuclear physicist). Jokes aside, my understanding and knowledge of the dynamics of high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions and the phases of matter that can exist at those very high ...
By Tommaso Dorigo
The Sound Of Martian Winds
Mars is no vacation paradise. The temperatures fluctuate dramatically and average minus 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The surface is red dust punctuated by craters, canyons, and volcanoes. On the plus side, the atmosphere is extremely thin, comprising only about 1% of the density of Earth’s, and gravity ...
By News Staff
Antimatter Over Eurasia
Last week I traveled from Venice to Tokyo through Zurich, and during the flights I could do some more tests of the RadiaCode 103 - the nice spectrometer for gamma radiation I have been playing with as of late (for a couple of earlier posts and tests see here and here). This time I was curious to ...
By Tommaso Dorigo
Conferences And Concerts
I remember having been flamed, a long time ago, when in this column I ventured to claim that there was an inflation of physics conferences and workshops around, which to me looked both counter-productive (if there are too many such events, they become a distracting factor from research work, and ...
By Tommaso Dorigo
The Whiteness Of Boomer Environmentalism May Be Why Lakes In Minority Communities Get Little Attention
Prior to the takeover of environmentalism by Earth Day's overt communist malcontents (1) it was devoted to clean water and neighborhoods in cities, where the poorest lived.To get attention and money from other wealthy elites, it pivoted to rural rivers and streams and minorities were marginalized ...
By Hank Campbell
European Glyphosate Constituents Aren't From Agriculture, They're From Laundry Detergent
Activists who just happen to take donations from competitors to normal farming - e.g. organic industry trade groups, corporations, and foreign nationals laundering money through offshore donor-advised funds - get paid to claim farming is a problem.(1)Forget that even a San Francisco judge - the ...
By Hank Campbell
Utah Shows California How To Provide Real Clean Energy
Each year when air conditioners are needed, California has to ask EPA for permission to violate federal emissions standards and burn enough natural gas to keep the brown-outs that nearly got Governor Gavin Newsom recalled from happening again.Brownouts happen because the Governor and his bulletproof ...
By Hank Campbell
Sen. Sanders Still Opposes Nuclear Energy But The American Science Community Marches On
If you tell me an old white person in America opposes nuclear power, I can tell you how they vote. I can also tell you with alarming accuracy what they think about lots of science, like food and medicine. They think natural gas is why climate change happens.The reality is that climate change happened ...
By Hank Campbell
Normal Sleep Duration 50% Less Common After A Stroke
Getting enough sleep is correlated to brain and heart health and after a stroke that is even more important. A new survey finds that is when people who need it are least likely to get it. A cohort of 39,559 people were asked every two years how much sleep they usually get at night on weekdays ...
By News Staff
C1QL1 - Multiple Sclerosis Research Tackles How The Brain Replaces Lost Myelin
The neurons in our brains are protected by an insulating layer called myelin. In diseases like multiple sclerosis, this protective layer is damaged and lost, leading to death of neurons and gradual disability. A recent study in The Federation of European Biochemical Societies Journal examined the ...
By News Staff
Genetic Engineering Of Barley 100 Years Ago Made Beer And Whiskey Great
In 1929, an experiment with 28 barley varieties showed why barley, one of the world’s most important cereal crops for at least 12,000 years, has been so adaptable, growing everywhere from Norway to the mountains of South America, and why that means the future remains bright for whiskey and beer ...
By News Staff
Drunk Tree Fall Hard: Older Adult Alcohol Doubles Risk Of Brain Bleeds From Falls
Alcohol is the best-marketed carcinogen out there. Cigarettes and obesity only wish they were able to devote the money to positive imaging that alcohol, one of the top three lifestyle killers, receives. Instead, governments devote billions to education and awareness of those two while the only ...
By News Staff
Laughter Exercise Could Be Treatment For Dry Eye Disease
Dry eye disease is a chronic condition estimated to affect around 360 million people. Common symptoms include uncomfortable, red, scratchy or irritated eyes.Anecdotal claims are that laughter therapy alleviates depression, anxiety, stress, and chronic pain, while strengthening immune function but ...
By News Staff
Mpox Vaccine Effective In Preventing Infection
A health data simulation has concluded that a single dose of the Modified vaccinia Ankara-Bavarian Nordic (MVA-BN) was 58% effective in protecting again mpox infection, a disease caused by infection with the Monkeypox virus, which is most likely in men who have sex with men and which  ...
By News Staff
WHO Extends Its Highest Emergency Level For...Monkeypox?
The World Health Organisation, the last major body to accept that COVID-19 was a pandemic, is out in front extending its highest emergency level over, of all things, monkeypox.We now know WHO held off on declaring COVID-19 an emergency because former President Donald Trump said it was an emergency ...
By Hank Campbell
Trust: Why Pharmacists Do More To Lower Blood Pressure Than Doctors
A recent paper did something interesting with data from 100 hypertension trials around the world - it compared blood pressure reductions by the type of healthcare professionals who led the interventions.The results were that pharmacists achieved the greatest improvements, followed by community ...
By News Staff
Did Ancient Turks Beat The Greeks To Precession By 10,000 Years?
If you ever get the chance to visit Turkey, I encourage you to do so. Like Civil War battlefields in the southern US, you can trip and stumble across something old - except in the case of Turkey it could be 2,000 years old.Some sites are archaeological research and you can't just wander around ...
By Hank Campbell
When Did Humans Migrate To Australia?
Every country has people claiming to be native now, whereas in previous generations if you were born there, you were native. In reality, outside the cradle in Africa, no one is native.Everyone was an immigrant, and over time everyone calling themselves native to an area now stole land from someone ...
By News Staff
Fentanyl Issue - Blaming Big Pharma Or Foreign Crime Rings Tells Us How You Vote
During last evening's Republican National Convention, speakers repeatedly invoked the fentanyl crisis and blamed lax border control and unchecked illegal immigration. Democrats, on the other hand, blame Big Pharma, and argue corporate exploitation of supply chain monitoring loopholes fueled the ...
By Hank Campbell
Twice As Many Trans People Get Cirrhosis
A new analysis has found that cirrhosis, a liver disease that occurs when scar tissue prevents the liver from functioning normally, occurs twice as often in trans adults as those whose gender identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth.  The authors used the Optum Clinformatics ...
By News Staff
Choosing Between Inquiry-Based Learning And Direct Learning
Inquiry-based learning is at the heart of the controversial California Math Framework. Rather than teaching students through rote learning, which instructors believe gives a false sense of virtuosity that comes undone when students have to think for themselves and do difficult problems, students ...
By Mark Pierce
Fit Fat: Exercise Helps Even If You Aren't Thin
Influences buoyed by epidemiological claims about gimmick diets can make fitness intimidating but ignore them. Even if you don't lose weight, if you exercise your belly fat is still going to be healthier than someone who does nothing.It just takes some consistency. Exercising burns calories ...
By News Staff
Robotic Leg With Artificial Muscles Can Walk And Jump Across Unstable Terrain
Robots have a 200-year-old problem: motors. Even walking robots feature arms and legs that are powered by motors and that is a barrier to helping the living but a new muscle-powered robotic leg can jump and move and fast while detecting and reacting to obstacles. As in humans and animals, ...
By News Staff
Republicans Shot Trump, Electronic Voting, GMOs - Conspiracy Theories Are Common. Here's Why
Misinformation, disinformation, and conspiracy theories have always been with us. The belief that Republican Vice-President Dan Quayle couldn't spell 'potato' or that Democratic President Barack Obama was not a citizen are common modern ones that still get repeated as facts.In the old days, when ...
By News Staff
If your theory of everything has tensors set equal to scalars then it is wrong. Simply put...  more »
Sheer beauty — a beautiful Euhoplites ammonite from Folkstone, UK. These lovelies have a pleasing...  more »
March is here, and with it begins a season of intense travel for me - something which for some...  more »
This plant above is what is regarded as a typical fern. However, a quite different looking type...  more »
By Anonymous
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