Do you take fish oil supplements, believing they are boosting your brain power? A lot of people do, but they are a placebo; another in a long chain of Miracle Foods created by epidemiologists when they aren't using suspect statistical correlation to create Scary Chemical claims.

Yet journalists at places the New York Times and Washington Post love to create false balance by 'suggesting' epidemiologists are doing science - their work is in the EXPLORATORY pile, like with all computer models, mouse experiments, and findings from cells in Petri dishes.(1)

We're only one group and we are trying to cut through the noise generated by a $35 billion supplement market plus a $120 billion organic food market and an alternatives-to-medicine market (revenue unknown, since the people buying the first two believe powder made from endangered animals has magical properties, so they buy it mail order) but people who read beyond the first 10 hits on Google knew fish oil supplements were nonsense - created because epidemiologists claimed peasants living on the Mediterranean coast who are a lot of fish had healthier brains. Supplement hucksters ignored 200 confounders and decided that Omega-3 supplements should be promoted - because it is what they can easily make.

Not only are they pointless - like all non-science this is only exposed by insiders when a new generation of participants wants to take down the old(2) - but they may even be dangerous, because they get rancid.

If you decide to buy high-oleic sunflower supplements, you're still a sucker. None of it works. If it did, it wouldn't be alternative medicine, it would be medicine.


(1) Epidemiology may pass for science at the Biden EPA, but in actual science there is no belief that if someone correlates something to something and declares "statistical significance" that it is a real and stupid scientists who didn't see it need to run around and show how it happens.

(2) Like we saw with butter and eggs, which were once statistically linked to heart disease. It is also in weird claims like that a pregnant woman who has a glass of wine gets a baby with fetal alcohol syndrome - Americans are the only group who think that - and in beliefs that trans fats are good for you. Later generations looked at the same food surveys - and that is all we are talking about, what people claim on a questionnaire - and debunked them.