3. Mayo College District : Mayo College Planning District lies to the east of the city and covers the entire urbanisable area east of the Ajmer –Nasirabad railway line. Mayo College shall , however, remain its most important feature. The railway workshop complex shall continue to be the major work centres for this planning District. 4. Ramganj Planning District : Ramganj Planning District lies to the south of the walled city and covers the entire area between the Taragarh hills and Ajmer –Ahmedabad railway line. The new Sub-city Centre shall form the nucleus of this planning District with Machine Tool Plant and new grain mandi located towards the south. 5. Anasagar Planning District : Anasagar panning District lies to the west of Wlled City and Civil Lines Planning Districts. It covered the entire urbanisable area between Nag Pahar and Taragarh hills. The focus of this Planning District shall be Anasagar Lake. Most of the area abutting the lake shall be developed for recreational purposes. A University complex shall be developed to the north-west of the lake by taking advantage of the beautiful backdrop of the hills and the land scape around it. This educational complex will be most important activity of this area. Two major residential schemes called Vaishalinagar and Anasagar scheme developed north of the lake in thus area as this planning district is almost divided by the lake into two parts, separated commercial areas shall be developed to serve the two parts. Foysagar shall be one major recreational area which shall attracted a large number of people for weekend picnics and leisure. 6. Khanpura district : Khanpura district covers the entire area between the fork formed by the Ajmer- Nasirabad and Ajmer-Ahmedabad railway lines. Part of the area is marshy and gets water logged during the rainy season. At present most of the vegetable and fruits to Ajmer and neighbouring towns are supplied from the area. It is agricultural rich are. This part of the city shall, therefore, be developed in the last phase only. It shall primarily developed for the residential purpose with a commercial centre. A college and a new hospital as its cenrte of activities. The industrial area towards south between national highway 8 bye-pass , railway line and the dairy to the west shall be the major work centres in this area. 7. The green belt planning district : The greenbelt planning covers all the peripheral area between the urbanizing limits of 1991 and Ajmer urban area as notified under the Act covering 27 revenue villages. As mentioned earlier, selected rural settlements in this area shall be developed as urban villages to strengthen the economy of the people of the rural population living in this planning district. Each of these planning zones or districts shall be further divided into the planning areas and planning units. In delineating g the boundaries of the various planning areas within each planning district, existing physical barriers, pattern of development, major variations in land uses etc. shall form some of the principal considerations.