LONDON, March 6 /PRNewswire/ --

- 40 per Cent of 16-34 Year Olds Think They Can Make Their First Million in Five Years

- A Third of Women Expect to Hit the Million Mark in Five Years

As many as seven million Brits genuinely believe they will become millionaires and over two thirds of those think it will be achievable within 10 years according to new research from Orange Business Services.

The survey into people's attitudes to making money found that women and young people could prove the most promising contributors to the UK economy over the next decade, with the majority relying on business skills and personal ambition to reach millionaire status. In contrast, men would risk the most for a millionaire lifestyle.

Challenging the gender divide

A worrying 40 per cent of men would go to prison for a crime they didn't commit or forego all contact with family and loved ones for one year to get their hands on a million pounds, compared to just 14 per cent of women, while just 19 per cent expect to hit the million mark through a business venture.

In comparison, over half of women are driven by personal ambition to achieve millionaire status with almost a third (31 per cent) expecting to hit the million mark within five years, compared to just 26 per cent of men. A quarter of women expect to make their money through a business venture with women in the 25-34 year old age group being particularly driven.

Youthful ambition

Young people are equally assured. Two-thirds of 16-24 year olds cite personal ambition as their motivating factor to becoming a millionaire. A quarter expect to become a millionaire within their lifetime and over half think it will take them less than 10 years to achieve this goal. A healthy 25 per cent of youngsters expect to make their money from an existing or future business venture according to the research which coincides with the launch of a monthly series of videocasts on the Orange website. The 'My first million' videocasts will profile some of the UK's most ambitious entrepreneurs.

Martin Lyne, director of small businesses, Orange Business Services, commented: "This research is a positive reflection of the UK's ambition and drive. That millionaire status today is associated as much with business success and personal ambition as it is with a winning lottery ticket is a reflection of our changing attitude towards business and entrepreneurship and bodes very well for the UK economy in the not so distant future. To see such confidence shine through, especially amongst the younger generation, is particularly encouraging."

Still hot property

When it comes to investing in money-making businesses bricks and mortar remain a safe bet with 41 per cent of people opting to invest money in property in the UK and just under a third (32 per cent) looking abroad. A similar figure (31 per cent) cited a green or ethical business as their preferred business investment with a third of women choosing this as their business priority.

Regional breakdown

Aspiring millionaires in Liverpool are the most confident in the country with 40 per cent expecting to make their millions within the next 10 years. Those in Wales are driven to escape a humble background with half citing this as their motivating factor. Further west, Bristolians are the most ethically sound millionaires of the future with 40 per cent claiming they would invest in ethical businesses. Meanwhile, those in Norwich are the most generous with 80 per cent driven to support their friends and family before themselves.

The Orange My first million videocast series is aimed at offering aspiring entrepreneurs hints and tips into how millionaire business people achieved their success and is part of its commitment to the SME market, which accounts for nearly half (46.8%) of UK employment according to the Department of Trade and Industry.

Last year Orange launched three new business tariffs, Orange Solo, Orange Momentum and Orange Venture dedicated to addressing the work/life blur of SMEs. It has also developed a dedicated SME call centre number and opened three dedicated business stores in London, Solihull and Bournemouth over the last six months.

The monthly videocasts are available to view at with James Caan launching the series.

For further information, please contact Noor Kheir on +44(0)7891-306-164,