MIHAMA-KU, CHIBA CITY, Japan, April 22, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- The CEATEC JAPAN 2010 is one of the world's most comprehensive exhibitions of cutting-edge IT and electronics technology, which will be held from Tuesday, October 5th through Saturday, October 9th, 2010.

(Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20100422/NY91006LOGO )

A wide range of services are being introduced to support the coverage of international media. Participants in the Official Media Tour will be able to take advantage of these services and will also enjoy a program of exclusive events, including special tours of exhibitor facilities. Details of these special features will be announced in the days and weeks ahead by email and through the official website (http://www.ceatec.com). We invite you to participate in the Official Media Tour and introduce to your audience the advanced technologies, products, components, devices, and services that are creating tomorrow's global trends.

Click here (http://admin.virtualpressoffice.com/SupportingDocContentAccess.do?suppor...) for the CEATEC JAPAN 2010 Official Media Tour Application Form

1.Participation fee: USA / Canada : US$ 2,000 Europe: EUR 1,700 (UK:1,300 pound sterling) 2.Schedule (tentative) ------------ October 3 (Sun) Depart from USA/Europe, UK --------- ------------------------------------------------------- October 4 Arrive in Tokyo, Japan (Tokyo New International Airport (Mon) (Narita)) --------- ------------------------------------------------------- October 5 (Tue) 1. Behind-the-scenes information on the show --October 7 2. Tour of CEATEC JAPAN 2010 (with English-speaking (Thurs) guide) 3. Special seating in Keynote Speeches at CEATEC JAPAN 2010 4. Time for Interviewing Keynote Speakers --------- ------------------------------------------------------- October 8 1. Additional special tours to showrooms/institutes* (Fri) (To be decided) 2. Special meeting with influencers and/or analysts in Japan (To be decided) --------- ------------------------------------------------------- October 9 (Sat) Depart from Japan --------- ----------------- *CEATEC 2009 Special Tour: Sharp Corporation (1. Sharp Booth Tour, 2. High Technology Hall Tour), NTT DOCOMO INC (Showroom), Panasonic Corporation (Panasonic Center Tour), Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (1. Experience Eco-drive, 2. Experience Electronics car) Notes: 1) Participation fee includes roundtrip airfare (economy class), airport and other taxes, accommodations with breakfasts, transportation within Japan and other expenses, including incurred as part of the tour. *Airline is chosen by contracted travel agents in USA and Japan. 2) All arrangements will be handled by an agent appointed by the CEATEC JAPAN Management Office and News Center. 3) Tour schedule and contents are subject to change without prior notice. 4) Above is basic schedule for official tour. If your travel itinerary needs to be adjusted, please let us know.

For further information, please contact CEATEC JAPAN Management Office in the Japan Electronics Show Association.



CONTACT: CEATEC JAPAN Management Office in the Japan Electronics ShowAssociation, +81-3-6212-5233, or +81-3-6212-5226 (fax),nakanishi@ceatec.com, mediatour@ceatec.com