LONDON, January 14 /PRNewswire/ -- Unite, the UK's biggest union, has today repeated its call to the Government to be bold and give the go-ahead for the third runway, stating that expansion in the best interest of the UK and its transport system.

Unite members who work in airports across the UK will today take the case for the modernisation of Heathrow to Parliament. The union is becoming increasingly concerned that further delay on Heathrow's third runway sends a signal to EU competitors that the UK is not committed to improving its transport infrastructure.

Speaking ahead of the meeting in the Commons between aviation workers and MPs, Brian Boyd, Unite national officer for civil aviation, said: A positive announcement for expansion of Heathrow is pivotal to a modern UK transport system, fit for the demands of passengers in the twenty-first century.

Unite members involved in the transport and aviation industry support the Government's plans and would challenge the hypocrisy of the Conservatives and celebrities alike who on one hand are opposed to expanding Heathrow, but on the other, are frequently spotted boarding flights from Heathrow.

Unfortunately, major transport infrastructure projects, including high-speed rail links can bring disruption. However, not disregarding the environmental issues, the long term gains for job security, commuters and the UK economy far outweigh any arguments against expanding Heathrow. If we let this opportunity pass us by now, then it will be our competitors in Europe who will benefit from our indecision.

Steve Turner, Unite national officer for the civil aviation sector added: Our members are here today to speak up for civil aviation. This is a strategically vital industry for this country - and it needs the support of our Government so that it can continue to make its hugely important contribution to our economy.

Yes, this is a difficult decision but we urge Government to face down the critics. Take the decision to turn Heathrow into a state of the art airport, one that will deliver for passengers and is more able to make the operational changes in aviation that are vital to the environment.

The third runway is in the best interests of Britain because improving the UK's entire transport infrastructure begins with improving Heathrow. This will fire the starting pistol for the creation of high-speed rail across the UK. Those suggesting that a modern-day infrastructure does not need a hub airport are living in Cloud Cuckoo Land.

A delegation of Unite members will gather on College Green, Westminster today (Wednesday) at 1pm for a photocall before meeting with MPs to press the case for expansion. Members of the media are invited to interview their workers and Unite officials.

For further information contact Pauline Doyle on +44(0)7976-832-861