OAKLAND, California, May 7, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- iParadigms, creators of Turnitin(R) and iThenticate(R) and the leader in originality checking and plagiarism prevention, has licensed Language Weaver's automated translation technology thus enabling Turnitin to identify potentially plagiarized content that has been translated from English into other languages.

Translated plagiarism is increasingly common at educational institutions around the world, said Chris Caren, iParadigms president and CEO. It consists of students taking existing source material in one language, translating it into the language used at their institution and misrepresenting it as their own work. A number of our international customers report that this kind of plagiarism is on the rise and they have requested the ability to detect it. With Language Weaver's unmatched ability to perform accurate on-the-fly translation, we can now offer a powerful solution to this problem.

This is an exciting new application of our technology, said Mark Tapling, president and CEO of Language Weaver. We're pleased to be part of this effort to level the playing field for all students and promote academic integrity worldwide.

Turnitin compares student assignments to a vast database of multi-lingual content including billions of web pages, more than 125 million student papers and tens of thousands of books, periodicals and specialized publications--and finds matches that may indicate plagiarism or other misappropriation. iParadigms' content partnerships provide the capability to match text to thousands of the world's most important scholarly and research publications, especially in the scientific, technical and medical fields. With the addition of Language Weaver's technology, Turnitin will be able to take assignments written in a variety of non-English languages, translate them into English, compare them to the material in Turnitin databases and highlight any matches in the assignment.

This partnership with Language Weaver strengthens our position as the premier plagiarism prevention solution, not only in the English-speaking world, but in non-English speaking countries as well, said Caren. It also helps us to better protect the intellectual property of our many English-language users and content partners from unauthorized reuse in other languages.

The new capability to identify plagiarism-in-translation will be offered in early 2011 in the non-English versions of Turnitin, including French, Spanish, German, Chinese (Traditional and Simplified), Korean, Japanese and Thai. Turnitin is used by hundreds of thousands of educators and tens of millions of students in more than 100 countries.

About iParadigms LLC

iParadigms, LLC is the world's leading provider of web-based solutions for plagiarism prevention. The company's products include Turnitin WriteCycle(R), used by educators worldwide to check students' papers for originality, to enable web-based peer review and for digital grading of student work. iParadigms' iThenticate(R) solution is the leader in plagiarism detection in research, publishing and many other commercial markets. The company's solutions check millions of documents each month and are used in over 100 countries. iParadigms is headquartered in Oakland, CA and is backed by Warburg Pincus. http://www.turnitin.com and http://www.ithenticate.com

SOURCE: iParadigms LLC

CONTACT: Katie Povejsil, Vice President of Marketing of iParadigms LLC,+1-510-764-7579, or +1-650-619-6321, kpovejsil@turnitin.com; or ChristineAllman of KEH Communications, +1-410-975-9638, christine@kehcomm.com