LONDON, July 28, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- PeerIndex, the first company ranking individual social authority across all social web, launched today in London. Empowering people to realise the value and impact of their complete social capital, PeerIndex will also help brands to identify the genuine authorities to engage with.

Founded by Azeem Azhar and backed by leading European angels and executives including Bill Emmott (former Editor in Chief of The Economist), Ab Banerjee (former CEO of Raw Communications), Sherry Coutu, Stefan Glaenzer, and Simon Gibson, the company will provide users with the ability to be ranked and to monitor their global authority or understand their authority on any selected topic.

Commenting on the launch PeerIndex founder Azeem Azhar said, PeerIndex can identify from millions of users the opinion leaders from the merely opinionated.

PeerIndex currently indexes 1.7m of the most salient users on Twitter, and adds an additional 10 to 20,000 per day. Any user can add their own Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or blog profile directly and ensure that all their social content is plugged into the system to be analysed. By engaging in the ranking process this ensures that the value of every individual's authority is recognised globally by bloggers, media, brands, employers and other followers.

The company's technology is distinctive in a number of ways. First, it emphasizes that authority in one subject does not equate to authority on another. Second, it recognizes that raw follower or friend counts do not stand for much it trying to understand opinion leadership.

The core algorithms analyse dozens of factors-including semantic features, social network features and the actual sharing behaviour of end users.

Azeem concluded: PeerIndex will soon become the most trusted place to establish a genuinely independent measure of authority. I'd like to think we can become the global standard of social capital. Marketing, advertising, communications and brand-led businesses will all benefit from a seismic shift in reach and penetration that PeerIndex delivers. PeerIndex will encourage the development of a mutually beneficial eco-system of high value opinion makers and relevant organisations.

PeerIndex will ensure end users are recognised for their hard earned authority.

To register, go to

SOURCE: PeerIndex

CONTACT: For further information contact: Izzy Fox/Will Cameron - IFcommunications +44(0)7703-477818/+44(0)7890-596502; Azeem Azhar - PeerIndex+44(0)7974-222583