LOS ANGELES and LONDON, March 17, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- The launch of iPad 2 and all its new features has the consumer electronics world buzzing with excitement and anticipation. PriceGrabber(R), a part of Experian, has released the results of its U.S. and UK tablet computer surveys, which explore consumer sentiments regarding iPad 2 and the future of tablet computers. These surveys were conducted prior to Apple's official iPad 2 announcement (United States: Feb. 16 to March 1, 8,794 online respondents; United Kingdom: Feb. 9 to March 1, 1,854 online respondents).

More UK consumers plan to purchase iPad 2 within one month of its release

Before Apple confirmed the new features of its iPad 2, PriceGrabber asked its shoppers if they anticipate being early adopters of the iPad 2 technology. While the number of first-year adopters is very similar in the United States and the United Kingdom, more consumers in the United Kingdom plan to purchase an iPad 2 within the first month of its release.

United States:

In the United States, 23 percent of respondents stated that they plan to purchase the iPad 2 within the first year of its release. Of these first-year adopters, 26 percent stated that they plan to make their purchase within one month of the iPad 2 release date. Seventy-four percent plan to purchase at other times within the first year.

United Kingdom:

Similarly, 20 percent of UK survey respondents plan to purchase an iPad 2 within the first year of its release. However, of those UK respondents who plan to purchase an iPad 2 within the first year, 32 percent stated they plan to make this purchase during the first month of its release. The remaining 68 percent plan to purchase at other times within the first year.

iPad is overwhelmingly the most popular tablet in the market in both the United States and the United Kingdom

Apple iPad not only has brought tablet computers to the forefront of the consumer electronics industry, but it is also significantly ahead of its competitors in terms of consumer popularity. U.S. and UK consumer sentiments are very similar when it comes to favorite tablets, with the Apple iPad leading the pack.

United States:

When consumers in the United States were asked which tablet computer product they preferred to receive as a gift, 87 percent stated that they prefer the Apple iPad. Samsung Galaxy Tab was a distant second, with 5 percent of consumers indicating they would like to receive it as a gift. Two percent of consumers would like the Dell Streak and 2 percent prefer the HP Playbook.

United Kingdom:

UK respondents also prefer the Apple iPad, with 88 percent of UK consumers indicating that they prefer to receive the Apple iPad as a gift. Six percent would like to receive the Samsung Galaxy Tab as a gift. Three percent of consumers would like the Dell Streak and 2 percent prefer the Toshiba Folio.

Half of consumers think that the tablet computer will replace desktops and laptops

Starting in 2010, tablet computers have become the new "it" product in the consumer technology industry. With the excitement surrounding new tablet products, speculation has emerged regarding whether or not tablet computers will replace the traditional desktop or laptop computer. According to PriceGrabber survey data, U.S. consumers are less likely than UK consumers to believe that a tablet computer will replace their laptop or desktop computer someday.

United States:

Survey respondents in the United States were also asked if they ever think they would ditch their laptop or desktop computer and only own a tablet. Forty-two percent of U.S. consumers said that they would own a tablet computer instead of a laptop or desktop computer. Fifty-eight percent said they do not believe a tablet computer would replace their desktop or laptop computer.

United Kingdom:

When UK survey respondents were asked about their likelihood of using a tablet computer as their computing device of choice, 51 percent said that someday they believe a tablet computer would replace their laptop or desktop computer. Forty-nine percent said they do not expect to only own a tablet computer.

A cost reduction and camera are the most desired features for iPad 2

Prior to the Apple announcement regarding new features on the iPad 2, survey respondents were asked which feature that wasn't included in the first generation of the iPad is most important to them when considering an iPad 2 purchase. Survey data revealed a cost reduction and camera were the two most important features to consumers in the United States and United Kingdom.

United States:

U.S. survey respondents demonstrated a focus on value when it comes to their iPad 2 decision. Twenty-nine percent of U.S. consumers cited a cost reduction as the most important feature when considering an iPad 2 purchase. Twenty-six percent choose a camera as the most significant feature for an iPad 2 purchase and 17 percent indicated a more powerful chip. Twelve percent are looking for a lighter, thinner device.

United Kingdom:

In the United Kingdom, cameras were most important to consumers. Twenty-eight percent of UK consumers said a camera feature was most important when considering an iPad 2 purchase. Twenty-eight percent said a cost reduction was important. Twenty-two percent indicated a more powerful chip was the biggest priority when it comes to iPad 2. Fourteen percent of consumers were looking for a lighter, thinner device.