CHICAGO, March 15, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Greenline Financial Technologies, Inc., a leading provider of electronic trading marketplace solutions, today announced that QuantHouse, the leading independent provider of low latency trading solutions, has selected Latency Monitor, Greenline's latest product designed to monitor order flow, for end-to-end order messages monitoring.

QuantHouse is a provider of end-to-end solutions including low latency market data technologies, alpha generation development framework and infrastructure trading services for systematic trading firms who want to take the lead.

"As the leading provider in low latency solutions, QuantHouse is dedicated to delivering advanced latency monitoring solutions for today's high-speed marketplace. Greenline's Latency Monitor will help us better monitor the status of order messages across QuantHouse, Broker and Exchange trading infrastructures," said Pierre Feligioni, COO and co-founder of QuantHouse.

"Low latency measurement technologies are an increasing priority for market participants seeking to optimize their business," said Josh Tolman, president of Greenline. "Combined with QuantLINK order routing services of QuantHouse, Latency Monitor's unique order flow monitoring capabilities offers a more comprehensive view of end-to-end latency performance, allowing network administrators to assess and deliver order messages to trading systems in a timely manner."

"Technology used by Greenline involving port spanning or network tap devices can measure latency without distorting measurements. In addition, measurements are available through an API, which allows our client black boxes to have a real time view of latencies throughout the entire order routing process," concluded Stephane Leroy, Global Head of Sales & Marketing at QuantHouse.