LISBON, June 30 /PRNewswire/ --

- Business Assurance Systems Will Help C-Level Executives to Face Management Challenges

Hosting the fourth meeting of its worldwide user group, WeDo technologies announced its findings that the current economic downturn has revealed a clear requirement for the implementation of Business Assurance systems. The company have proposed a Business Assurance methodology, supported by adequate systems, to monitor and control business operations and prevent risk.

The methodology supports the management requirement that control points and key performance indicators should be established for every business process, not just the revenue management process (Revenue Assurance and Fraud). In Telecom, for instance, there is a significant opportunity to assure processes like incentives management, handset management, credit and collections and customer management with similar results.

With 30 telecoms providers and 70 customer specialists in attendance at the meeting in Cascais, near Lisbon, Rui Paiva, CEO of WeDo technologies, presented the Business Assurance concept: We understand the Revenue Assurance (RA) teams still have many challenges in their present scope of activities. Controlling the Revenue Management process is a complex activity. Whether systems or processes related leakage, the risks are always present and the correction and improvement opportunities are still very sizeable. As Revenue Assurance leaders we are continuously challenged by our customers to help them accomplish even more top and bottom-line results. We are now confident we can deliver a breakthrough to the industry.

WeDo technologies, which has already proven globally that it is able to deliver solid and effective revenue assurance and control systems, is now set to lead the Business Assurance domain in the Telecom, Retail, Finance and Utilities industries. According to the company's experience over the last nine years, the payback period of this kind of product implementation is between six to nine months on average.

The feedback we got during the user group was extremely positive, both from the business and IT users of our RAID software, Paiva said. With 2009 results evolving very positively, we are investing in Business Assurance across our target industries to fuel 2010's growth. Being confident on the ROI that this approach will bring to our customers, we will be open to make specific Revenue Sharing or Performance based agreements for reference implementations.

About WeDo technologies' worldwide user group

Success stories regarding the implementation of WeDo technologies' Revenue Assurance systems within their organizations were presented by Digi (Malaysia, Telenor Group), Orascom (Egyptian conglomerate consisting of six Middle Eastern, African and Asian providers), Ufone (Pakistan, Etisalat Group) and Vodafone (UK and Turkey). The level of participation in this forum was higher than last year's event and exceeded WeDo technologies' best expectations, especially taking into account the current economic situation as well as the swine flu health scare.

About WeDo technologies

WeDo technologies is the leading supplier of Revenue Assurance solutions for the global telecoms industry. RAID, the Revenue Assurance and Fraud product, has been implemented across the five continents. WeDo technologies has implemented its solutions in more than 65 different countries and is established in 12. With over 90 customers worldwide, it offers a very impressive financial track record and a strong shareholder base, providing the additional comfort that the market expects.

Company Contact: Susana Valente Ferreira, Tel. +351-210-111-400 - Fax. +351-210-111-401,